Homecoming FAQ


  • Where can I find details about where to register for Homecoming, where to purchase Guest Football and tailgate tickets, the Homecoming uniform, the schedule, music, instrument check-out, the clear bag policy, and parking?
    • Please see the Homecoming 2024 website for all details related to Homecoming: www.fsumca.com/homecoming_2024.
  • Can I register for Homecoming after October 20, 2024?
    • No. Once registration is closed, we cannot accept any late registrations.
  • What do I do if I registered for Homecoming and can no longer attend?
    • Please email fsumca@gmail.com to let us know.
  • Is there a deadline to purchase Guest Football tickets?
    • No, but once the allotted tickets are gone, they are gone.
  • How will I receive my Guest Football tickets?
    • You will purchase your guest football tickets directly through the FSU Athletic Ticket Office, and the tickets will be sent to you directly via print-at-home tickets.
  • Can I have my guest(s) sit with another MCA member’s guest(s)?
    • If you have already purchased your guest football tickets, please call the Ticket Office at 850-644-1830, and see if they are able to coordinate your seats.
  • I am physically limited or unable to march. Do I have any options to be able to participate in the on-field performances and the stands?
    • Yes, and we will attempt to make reasonable accommodations for accessibility on field and in the stands for those that want to participate and play but are limited in their physical ability to march. 
    • After registering, please email us at fsumca@gmail.com so we can ensure that these accommodations are met.
  • I don’t want to sit in the MCA block, play in the stands, nor march. I only want to attend the MCA Banquet. Is that possible?
    • Yes. You may purchase a Banquet Only ticket through the registration link.
      • Please be sure to include your name on that ticket so you can check in easily to the banquet.
    • Note: If you are planning to sit in the FSUMCA block, play in the stands, and/or play on the field for pregame/halftime, you MUST purchase a Banquet and Block or Block only ticket.

Packet Pick-Up and Instrument Check-Out

  • When and where is the location to pick up my packet on Friday, November 22nd?
    • 4pm-6:00pm at Chiefs Field on FSU’s campus near the instrument storage building.
  • When and where is the location to check out an instrument?
    • Friday 5pm-6:30pm & Saturday (Time TBD) 30 minutes prior through the end of rehearsal.
    • Location: At Chiefs Field on FSU’s campus near the instrument storage building.
    • After you pick up your packet, please proceed to the instrument checkout tent.
  • What do I do if I can’t make the Friday night packet pick-up time?
    • If you are not able to make the packet pick-up time, we highly encourage you to have someone pick up your packet for you. There will be limited packet pick-up available at Chiefs Field on Saturday morning.


  • I’m super excited that black pants, shorts, or capris are part of the uniform for musicians this year. Can I wear my black yoga pants?
    • Unfortunately, no. Only slack-style pants, shorts, or capris will be allowed.
    • NO denim/jeans, athletic wear, bike shorts, athletic shorts, yoga pants, or leggings will be permitted.
  • The new FSUMCA logo is really cool and those new Majorette Uniform shirts are awesome! Does this mean we’re all going to have to buy new polos/shirts?
    • Short answer: not at this time.
    • Longer answer: You may purchase a polo with the new logo or new Majorette Uniform shirt if you would like, but we are not requiring participants to do so at this time. We do not have a time frame for transitioning the uniform to include the new designs.
    • Please note the following:
      • Any polo that says FSUMCA will be allowed to be worn as part of the uniform. If you are a non-Feature Twirler majorette, any garnet uniform shirt that says Marching Chiefs Alumni Majorettes will be allowed to be worn as part of the uniform.
      • Polos with FSUBAA and/or the “running Chief” will not be accepted and you will not be allowed to be included in the MCA block, enter the stadium, play in the stands, or march.
      • FSUMCA polos, Color Guard Uniform shirts, and Majorette Uniform shirts will not be available for sale at packet pick-up nor the day of Homecoming. The last day to purchase your polo is Sunday, November 3rd at 11:59pm.
  • I can’t come to Homecoming this year. May I purchase a polo or Color Guard/Majorette Uniform shirt and have it sent to me?
    • Yes. 
    • Procedures:
      • Place your order through the Uniform shirt ordering link on the FSUMCA homecoming website.
        • ALL orders through the MCA Uniform store will be available at Homecoming packet pick-up. Orders will NOT be shipped to your home directly.
      • You may have a friend pick up your shirt from packet-pick up if you would like.
      • Otherwise, please send an email to us at fsumca@gmail.com indicating that you are not attending Homecoming and would like to have the polo/shirt shipped to you.
      • Note there will be a separate shipping fee that will need to be paid to the MCA Board volunteer that will be sending the shirt order out.
      • Following Homecoming, we will reach out to the contact listed on the order to arrange for payment for shipping and to confirm the shipping address.


  • Will there be a tailgate this year?
    • Officially, no. We have opted to plan the Alumni Banquet on Friday evening instead.
  • Can we bring tents and our own tailgate stuff and tailgate in our normal spot?
    • Absolutely! We hope, depending on the schedule, to be able to do a BYOT (Bring Your Own Tailgate) tent city style gathering. Bring your food and drinks, tents and chairs, and let’s fellowship together.  

 Game Day

  • Will you all be providing parking for alumni members?
    • Unfortunately, no. Please see www.fsumca.com/homecoming_2024 for more information.
  • Where is the MCA sitting in the stadium? Is it next to the current Marching Chiefs?
    • Section 118, and unfortunately no. Marching Chiefs are now located in Section 1.
    • We are fortunate that our Athletic department allows us to participate in Homecoming and provides us with seats in Section 118 and at a discounted rate. It is currently not in our control where we sit.
  • Can I bring my instrument case with me into the stadium?
    • Per the FSU Athletic Department, instrument cases will not be allowed at all into the stadium, and the FSUMCA will not be providing case storage.
  • I’m a woodwind. What do we do with our instruments if it rains?
    • In the event of inclement weather, we may be able to request some space to store woodwind instruments.
    • This will be determined the week of Homecoming, and no guarantees can be made.
  • Can my family sit with me in the block?
    • No, for the safety and security of the band and your guest, they will need to sit in their assigned ticketed seat.
    • Please plan accordingly with small children as they are not allowed to sit with the band.
  • Can my family march in with me into the stadium?
    • No. Any ticketed guests must go through the ticketing gate process. Anyone caught bringing in ticketed guests through at march over may be removed from participating in Homecoming activities.
    • Please plan accordingly with small children to be brought in a ticketed gate.


  • Can I get the music now to start practicing?
    • Yes. Please see the Homecoming website for the link to download and print the music: www.fsumca.com/homecoming_2024).
    • A YouTube playlist is also available for you to use while practicing.
  • Will there be music available at packet pick-up?
    • No. Please print your music ahead of Homecoming.