Clifford Madsen

Clifford Madsen, a member of the College of Music faculty at Florida State University since 1961, has received every major national award given in his field. He was the first recipient of the Senior Researcher Award granted by the Music Educators National Conference and the Award of Merit, which is the National Association for Music Therapy’s highest recognition. In 2002, Dr. Madsen was inducted by MENC into the first class of Lowell Mason Fellows in recognition for his contributions to the music education profession and was also inducted into MENCs National Hall of Fame. He has received the National Association of Music Therapy Publication Award and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Music Therapy Association. The World Federation of Music Therapy honored Dr. Madsen with the Outstanding Pioneer Award in recognition of developing one of five international models for music therapy based on empirical research. Two separate studies have indicated that he is the most prolific and most cited researcher within his field, and at AMTA’s 2010 national conference, he was cited for 50 years of research participation. Dr. Madsen was inducted into the Florida Music Educators Association Hall of Fame in 2011. The FMEA Hall of Fame honors individuals for outstanding contributions to music and education over an extended period of time, in Florida and throughout the nation.

In addition to these honors, Dr. Madsen has been recognized for his distinguished service to The Florida State University. He was hired at FSU as a brass instructor in 1961, and later served as director of the Brass Choir and associate director of the Marching Chiefs. He co-authored the FSU Victory Song. Dr. Madsen was first elected to the Faculty Senate in 1965 and has served continually since that time. He has also served as faculty senate president and on the Steering Committee. Dr. Madsen has been the Coordinator of Music Education, Music Therapy, and Contemporary Media at FSU since 1977. He was awarded the Kappa Kappa Psi Distinguished Service to Music Medal for his contributions to bands. Dr. Madsen has received the Ross Oglesby Award for outstanding service to students and the University, and was named the Daisy Flory Parker Alumni Professor and the Distinguished Teaching Professor. He was recognized as an Outstanding Mentor when FSU first established this award. Dr. Madsen is also the Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Music, the highest honor faculty can bestow on a colleague.