FSU Great Give 2018

Fellow Marching Chiefs Alumni,

We would like to bring to your attention, the Annual FSU Great Give. It runs from 9:00 AM EDT, March 22, 2018 through 9:00 PM EDT Friday March 23, 2018.  This 36-hour event helps showcase various fund-raising projects at FSU.

The Marching Chiefs Alumni’s mission is to promote the FSU band program and, this year, the College of Music Wall of Sound project (http://spark.fsu.edu/Project/371/WALL-OF-SOUND-2018) to help with the School provided instruments for the Marching Chiefs.  

Your tax-deductible gift will ensure that our students have the best percussion and brass instruments available to keep the War Chant loud and proud in Doak Campbell Stadium.

During the 36-hour event, there are several bonuses available.  These bonuses are awarded based on either the greatest number of donors or greatest dollar amount raised during a given time.

We would like to repeat last year’s efforts and earn the Wall of Sound Project some of these bonuses.  Last year, Dr. Dunnigan reported that we won $5000 in bonus money for the most money raised during the event.  We hope that we can target this goal again and win the $7500 bonus that will be awarded this year.

With our proud Chiefs Alumni base, we can also win a targeted bonus window that awards the highest number of donors over a 2-hour window. We are Targeting the Lunch Brunch incentive of $1000 awarded to the project with the greatest number of donors on Friday March 23, 2018 from 12 – 2 PM EDT.

If you can donate to the Chiefs during the Great Give, we ask that you target this donation window on Friday March 23, 2018 from 12-2 PM EDT.  If you cannot donate during that window, but still want to donate this year, please make your donation when you can.  You will still be helping towards the Grand Prize incentive.

For more information about the Great Give 2018, go to: http://greatgive.fsu.edu/

We would encourage you to share this event with fellow Alums, family and friends that might not be connected directly to us.

We thank you in advance for your generosity.


Your Marching Chiefs Alumni


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